String slicing and other importants functions

 SO today i am going to explain about string slicing and other important functions of the string with the help of a basic program.

# String slicing and other function of python

mystr = "i love coding" # creating a string

print(mystr) # printing the particular string

print(mystr[5]) # accessing 5th position of index of string ( we count the index from zero )

print(mystr[0:6]) # slicing the string ( starting from zero which is including but 6 is excluding)

"""Now i am going to write the code for the fuctions to perform some specific actions on the string.
you can simply understand this code by running on your device compiler"""

print(len(mystr)) # this len() function is used to find the length of the string.

print(type(mystr)) # this type() function is used to find the data type .

print(mystr.isalnum()) # this isalnum() function is used to detect that if the string is alpha numeric or not .

print(mystr.endswith("coding")) # this endswith() function is used to detect ending of the string.

print(mystr.count("o")) # this count() function is used to find number of character in the string.

print(mystr.capitalize()) # this capitalize() function is used to capitalize the first character of the string.

print(mystr.find("coding")) # this find() function is used to find the words and character in the string.

print(mystr.lower()) # this lower() function is used to smalize the strings characters.

print(mystr.upper()) # this upper() finction is used to convert the character into uppercase of the string.

print(mystr.replace("i","we")) # we use this function for replacing

"""that's all for today i am providing output image below you can see if you want to check your answer.
if you have any doubts then definitely ask in the comment section"""


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